Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tae Kwon Do

TKD night. Lots of crazy lunges and some knife fighting!

I WILL be sore tomorrow. But tonight, I am a Man. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day Off

Gotta rest these bones.
Tweaked my knee a bit in TKD class. Nothing major, but its sore today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Mega energy today, but now that I'm at home, I'm wiped. Gonna take it easy, I have my appt with Keira tomorrow for some kettlebell practice.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Shooting day

Good weather,not too hot or cold.
Wearing Contact lenses.

I did the following:
  • FAST Drill - 1 miss 3x5, 1 miss 8" - 9:13 time, adjusted to 11:13 for misses
  • FAST Drill - 1 miss 3x5, 1 miss 8" - 12:82 time, adjusted to 15:82 for misses (I slow down and this is what I get!?!?)
  • DASA Dot Torture Scored 48/54 at 3 yard line (i took the hyperlinked drill and modified it for DA/SA pistol.

I should have done 54/54, but I rushed a shot or two and had problems with the long double action pull while doing weak hand drills.

I would have tried it again, but I needed to get home for the phone tech to fix my DSL.

Last drills:

  • Zombie-FAST Drill - 2 miss 3x5, 1 miss 8" - 9:23 time, adjusted to 14:23 for misses
  • Zombie-FAST Drill - 1 miss 3x5, 1 miss 8" - 12:84 time, adjusted to 15:84 for misses
Today was just an off day. I need to take more time and focus on that big beautiful XS front sight.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Intermediate Workout

Dialing it back a little today.

* 16kg Dbl Clean-Front Squat-Mil Press 5 reps
* 40kg Sgl Bent Over Rows 5 reps L/R
* 2min rest, repeat 4 times


* 24kg Top Windmill 5reps (left and right)
* 16kg Dbl Overhead sit-ups 5reps
* 16kg Dbl High Pull 10reps
* 2 min rest, repeat 3 times

Saturday, September 5, 2009

IDPA Classifier Match

Just got the results back. I've leveled up from unclassified to Marksman in the IDPA. Kick ass. Total time 184.27
I could have done better, a had brain fart during a reloading string where I just stood there for a second. DUH!

To make sharpshooter I need to break 152.73. Definitely with in reach. We tend to do 1 or 2 classifier shoots per year so it will a bit before I get a chance to retake it. I'm freakin' happy.

Still getting used to the XS Sights, but they really do help with teaching front sight focus. Hard to miss that big white meatball.

SSP Qualifier:
Stage 1: 55.69 (15)
Stage 2: 46.20 (21)
Stage 3: 82.38 (44)
Total Points down (hits not in the zero-ring): 80

Friday, September 4, 2009

70# Press

Walked past my 70#'r and decided what the heck, I havent tried pressing her in a while.

BAM! 3 on the right, 1 on the left (left is my weaker, more inflamed elbow side)

Kick Ass, I feel good!

todays Shooting Results

There is an IDPA qualifier tomorrow so I hit the range to sharpen up my skills.
Wearing glasses instead of contacts/

FAST Test #1
3x5 cards Missed 2x
8" circle Missed 2x
Modified Time: 13.61 ?

FAST Test #1
3x5 cards - No Misses
8" circle Missed 1x
Modified Time: 1

Modified* Dot Torture Test - 5yd's
27 Misses

*Modified becuase I am using a DA/SA pistol. So when the test calls for 5 shots, I actually 3 sets of DA/SA, decock, DA/SA, decock, DA/SA, decock

I need to slow down and really focus on the front sight. I think its hearder with glasses and my astigmatism does not assist me in any way.

My New CED7000 timer worked like a charm!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Intermediate Workout #2

Super Set - Repeat 3x 5reps/side
• See-saw press 24kg (first set was 16kg)
• Alternating Cleans 24kg (first set was 16kg)
• rest 2 min

Super Set - Repeat 3x 5reps/side
• Single Leg Deadlift (double 24kg)
• Renegade Rows 40kg PR
• rest 2 min

Super Set - Repeat 3x 5reps/side
• Rack Side Lunges 24kg PR
• WindMills double 24kg
• rest 2 m

Freaking awesome workout considering the bad insomnia I had last night!


Yesterdays work

Did some joint mobility in the AM.
Went to my first tae kwon do/self defense class lastnight. whew,it left me gassed.

Probably going to take it easy today (insomnia struck again...blah...)